Drawing on a large, worldwide network of experts with proven track record spanning all the continents, Upward Bound provides technical assistance in the following areas.
Country dialogue
We work with CCMs to design and implement country dialogue processes that generate the participation required from stakeholders and the documents needed to advance engagement with the Global Fund.
National strategic plan
We work with countries to develop or update comprehensive national strategic plans for the health sector in general or those specifically addressing HIV and AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
Concept note
We provide technical assistance in the drafting of concept notes that are in compliance with the requirements of the Global Fund.
CCM support
We support CCMs in setting up systems, drafting manuals, instituting measures and setting up performance dashboards that enable CCMs to effectively play the oversight role in grant management.
Grant making and implementation
In grant-making and grant implementation, we provide technical assistance to principal recipients (PRs) in the areas of
We work with PRs and CCMs to successfully address issues raised by the Global Fund during grant-making or grantimplementation. We also work with PRs to install and operationalize performance dashboards (PRD) with coverage for individual PRs or nationwide.